Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Millington

A very warm welcome to Year 2 and our team, myself - Miss Millington, and Mrs Cox and Mrs Callow, our fabulous Teaching Assistants. 

As we leave behind a fun filled autumn term and all of the festive activities, I am looking forward to the spring term ahead and all of the new adventures and learning opportunities it will bring. 

We start this half term by learning about the Great Fire of London and the devastation it caused throughout the city. We will use historical sources to understand how we learn about significant events and people in the past and how these help to shape the future, making comparisons between firefighting in the 17th century and firefighting today. 

In Literacy, we will be exploring the book, The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis. We will be using this to inspire us to write persuasive posters and information leaflets which will help us to deepen our knowledge of the key events during the fire. 

In maths, we will start by looking at money before moving on to multiplication and division. Alongside this, we will continue to secure our knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables which is paramount for helping us to solve number and word problems relating to these units. There are plenty of online songs and games to support the learning of times tables and we encourage the children to work on them at home each week.

You will find our class timetable in a link at the bottom of the page.  

Important information:


  • Indoor PE - kit to remain in school: 

T-Shirt (Red or White)

Shorts (Black)

Joggers (Black)

School jumper/fleece (can be with or without school logo. No branded sportswear/hoodies/football kit)



  • Outdoor PE - kit to be brought in each week:

Plain white/red t-shirt, jumper (school jumper or Dean Valley fleece) and black tracksuit trousers are required for winter outdoor Games Lessons.


  • Reading books changed


  • Online homework to be completed



TT Rockstars - I advise 7 games a week, 1 per day or in a chunk. Key focus for Year 2 are the 2s, 5s, and 10s  - use the Jammin feature and explore the settings, you can set to just multiplication. 

Numbots - aim for 10mins across the week either in one session or a split throughout the week. 

Spelling Shed - 7 games to be completed per week on the focus spelling of the week - start on easy and progress if you feel your child is confident with this. 

*Online homework to be set each Friday and completed for the following Friday. If you have any problem logging in, please let me know. 


Useful information:


Children are learning their Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words as well as the red words from their RWI group. 

t-l-54347-common-exception-words-years-1-and-2-alphabetical-word-mat-english.pdf (

We also use the high frequency words: 

t-l-5995-200-high-frequency-words-word-mat_ver_3.pdf (

Spelling techniques: 

t-l-52830-strategies-for-learning-spellings-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf (

Useful spelling games: Yr 2 common exception words - Teaching resources ( 



Thursday is our book change day. Please ensure your child has their book with them each day as we do have people reading with the children. 

Here is a wonderful website with book recommendations for all year groups. 


If you have any queries, please do not hesistate to contact me on our class email:

Kind regards, 

Miss Millington 




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Year 2: Gallery items

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Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm