
All homework in Year 3 is to develop confidence, fluency in reading, spelling and times tables. 

Here is a list of recommended reading books for KS2 children. 

Homework Frequency Day set   Complete / Hand in  Tasks
Reading  Daily  NA  To have in their bag for reading with an adult in school.

Short comment in reading journal. 

Change book on a Thursday.

Times Table Rockstars 7 games per week Friday Friday Complete sessions (headphones turn from red to green)
Spelling Shed  7 games per week Friday                   Friday

Spelling task completed  (focus list reverts to whole school spelling)

If you have any problems, questions or would like support in how to help your child please do not hesitate to contact me. 


More Online Games 

Here are a selection of games that are child friendly and will support your child's learning. 

Click on the image to be directed to Top Marks - here you can choose the appropriate age and topic of learning. 


BBC Supermovers Is a great website with lots of catchy songs and entertaining videos teaching a broad range of subjects. Click on the image to get directed to their website. 


Dean Valley Community Primary School, Albert Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5HS

School opens at 8:50 am and closes at 3:20 pm